Imagine you have a processor with registers of size 32 bits. Can the processor store a number larger than 32 bits in one register? It is possible if the number is represented in floating point format. The floating point format…
Category: DHD
Digital Hardware Design
Hexadecimal Arithmetic
Though the computers store everything in binary format, the user interface deals with the hexadecimal format for ease of understanding. For a human, it is easy to deal with hexadecimal than the stream of ones and zeros. So, in this…
Understanding Overflow through Examples
We have learned from the article “addition of 2’s complement signed binary numbers” that overflow occurs if the carries into and out of MSB are different. In this article, we will solve some examples that highlight how to detect overflow…
Range of Signed Numbers
If we have three binary bits, then we can represent eight numbers, starting from 0 to 7. So, in other words, 0 to 7 is the range of numbers that we can represent using three binary bits. However, this range…
Addition of 1’s Complement Signed Binary Numbers
In an earlier article, we learned about 2’s complement addition. In this article, we will discuss how to perform 1’s complement addition. We will consider the same example that is taken for the 2’s complement addition. Important Rule: Add the…
What is Overflow in case of Binary Arithmetic
Many a time, overflow in a binary addition seems like a final carry generation. However, overflow leads to an incorrect sum, whereas carry does not. This is a little confusing if not understood correctly. So, let’s understand the overflow concept…
Addition of 2’s Complement Signed Binary Numbers
Addition and subtraction of 2’s complement signed binary numbers are important learning concepts, as digital computers use 2’s complement representation. 2’s complement arithmetic follows all the basic rules of binary arithmetic. However, a few tricks need to be learned so…
Rules of Binary Arithmetic
Binary arithmetic is essential in all digital computers and in many other types of digital systems. Now, since we know about different number systems and signed numbers, this is the right time to learn about binary arithmetic and the associated…
Unsigned Magnitude vs Signed Magnitude Representation
Using unsigned magnitude form, we can only represent the positive numbers. Whereas, using signed magnitude form, we can represent both positive as well as negative numbers. In this article, we will highlight a few differences between the signed and unsigned…
How to Calculate the Decimal Value of Signed Binary Numbers
Now that we have learned about signed number binary representation, let’s discuss how to find out the decimal value of a signed binary number if the format of the representation is known. Sign-Magnitude Form: Only the magnitude bits are considered…