8085 is a very basic microprocessor with the capability of limited arithmetic and logical operations. It has dedicated arithmetic instructions for addition, subtraction, increment and decrement. If we want to perform a multiplication operation then we need to write a program for it. Multiplication is nothing but repeated addition. This post presents assembly language program for the multiplication of two 8-bits numbers with the illustration of 3 different cases.
The maximum result from the multiplication of two 8-bit numbers can be up-to 16-bits.
The following three cases can arise for the multiplication of different 8-bit numbers:
(i) The generated result is a 8-bit number
eg: 02H x 03H = 06H
(ii) The generated result is a 9-bit number with “1” at the ninth bit
eg: FFH x 02H = 1FEH
(iii) The generated result is lager than 9-bit number
eg: A7H x F2H = 9DDEH
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Let’s start with the 1st case and move on to the 3rd case:
The generated result is a 8-bit number:
// Manually store the multiplicand and the multiplier in the memory locations 4200H & 4201H respectively // For this case let's say multiplicand = 03H and the multiplier = 04H // Store the result in the memory location 4202H and 4203H // For this Example result will be 03H x 04H = 0CH // 4202<-00H, 4203<-0CH #ORG 0000H #BEGIN 0000H LDA 4200H // Fetched the Multiplicand MOV B,A LDA 4201H // Fetched the Multiplier MOV D,A MVI A,00H // Cleared the Acuumulator for multiple addition of the Multiplicand L1: ADD B DCR D JNZ L1 // Repeated Addition for multiplication STA 4203 HLT #ORG 4200H #DB 03H, 04H
Now when you would run the program it would give you the memory locations with the following values
Memory Location
4200 4201
03 04
4202 4203
00 0C
In this case we get 00H in 4202H as there is no carry generated in this example. Let’s consider the 2nd case example (FFH x 02H = 1FEH) where a carry would be generated. The above program would generate the result as FEH but the carry would be 00H. Let’s modify the program to deal with this type of situation.
The generated result is a 9-bit number with “1” at the ninth bit:
// For this case let's say multiplicand = FFH and the multiplier = 02H // Result would be FFH x 02H = 1FEH // 4202<-01H, 4203<-FEH #ORG 0000H #BEGIN 0000H MVI C,00H // Preserves the Carry LDA 4200H // Fetched the Multiplicand MOV B,A LDA 4201H // Fetched the Multiplier MOV D,A MVI A,00H // Cleared the Acuumulator for multiple addition of the Multiplicand L1: ADD B DCR D JNZ L1 // Repeated addition for multiplication JNC L2 // Jump if no carry generated INR C L2: STA 4203 MOV A,C STA 4202 HLT #ORG 4200H #DB FFH, 02H
Now when you would run the program it would give you the memory locations with the following values
Memory Location
4200 4201
FF 02
4202 4203
01 FE
In this case we get 01H in 4202H as there is a single carry generated in this example. Let’s consider the 3rd case example (A7H x F2H = 9DDEH) where multiple carries would be generated during the repeated additions. The above program would generate the result as DEH but the carry would be 01H. Let’s modify the program to deal with this type of situation.
The generated result is lager than 9-bit number:
// For this case let's say multiplicand = A7H and the multiplier = F2H // Result would be A7H x F2H = 9DDEH // 4202<-9DH, 4203<-DEH #ORG 0000H #BEGIN 0000H MVI C,00H // Preserves the Carry LDA 4200H // Fetched the Multiplicand MOV B,A LDA 4201H // Fetched the Multiplier MOV D,A MVI A,00H // Cleared the Acuumulator for multiple addition of the Multiplicand L1: ADD B JC L2 // Jump if carry generated DCR D JNZ L1 // Repeated addition for multiplication JMP L3 // Jump after the repeated additions get completed L2: INR C DCR D JNZ L1 L3: STA 4203 MOV A,C STA 4202 HLT #ORG 4200H #DB A7H, F2H
Memory Location
4200 4201
A7 F2
4202 4203
Note: The above Hex codes have been assembled and simulated on Jubin’s 8085 Simulator.
Hope the post would help you. If any doubt, please mention the same in the comment section, we would revert back to you.