Integrated circuits (ICs) have revolutionized the world of electronics by enabling the creation of highly complex and compact devices. Two common types of ICs are system-on-chip (SoC) and test chip. While both types of ICs have a similar design, their…
Tag: System on Chip
What is an SoC in VLSI
In VLSI, an SoC is an integrated circuit that contains multiple functional blocks, such as processors, memory, interfaces, and peripherals, on a single chip. The main idea behind the SoC concept is to integrate as many components as possible into…
What are Pilot Projects in VLSI
A pilot project in VLSI refers to a small-scale, initial implementation of a large system with the aim of testing its feasibility, viability and to gather information on the system’s behavior. The objective of a pilot project is to minimize…
“There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom“ A popular talk delivered by Richard Feynman to American Physical Society at California Institute of Technology in the year of 1959. This talk at that time could foresee the possibility of the…