Author: Sidhartha

Module Definition in Verilog

A “module” is the basic building block in Verilog. A module can be an element or a collection of lower-level design blocks. A module provides the necessary functionality to the higher-level block through its port interface (inputs and outputs), but…

Circuit Design of a Sequence Detector

This post illustrates the circuit design of Sequence Detector for the pattern “1101”. State Machine diagram for the same Sequence Detector has been shown below. Click here to realize how we reach to the following state transition diagram. Click here to…

State Machine Synthesis

State machine synthesis is a process of of boiling down a state machine to a digital logic circuit. Steps in State Machine Synthesis Convert the description into state machine Find out the equivalent states and minimize the state machine Encode…

Mealy Vs. Moore Machine

Design of sequential circuit can be composed of designing combinational circuit and state register. Sequential circuits are implemented in two different ways: Mealy Machine Moore Machine We can represent a sequential machine as M = <I,O,S,f,g>; where I: Input set…